117 research outputs found

    Autres contributions pour la connaissance de la végétation de la Hesse : pelouses acidiphile montagnardes et landes à dominance de nanophanérophytes

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    Pflanzengesellschaften der Borstgrasrasen und Zwergstrauch-Heiden (Calluno-Ulicetea) werden anhand von 27 Vegetationsaufnahmen beschrieben, die auf „Pflanzensoziologischen Sonntagsexkursionen“ in den Jahren 1989 bis 1995 erstellt wurden. Der grĂ¶ĂŸte Teil der Aufnahmen gehört zur Ordnung Nardetalia und reprĂ€sentiert BestĂ€nde des Festuco-Genistelletum sagittalis, des Juncetum squarrosi und einer Violion-Basalgesellschaft. Die dokumentierten Pflanzengesellschaften werden im Hinblick auf pflanzensoziologisch-syntaxonomische Aspekte, Ökologie, Nutzung und GefĂ€hrdung charakterisiert.Nardus stricta grasslands and dwarf shrub heaths in Hesse are characterised with respect to their phytosociology, ecology, endangerment, and nature conservation on the basis of 27 relevĂ©s made between 1989 and 1995 during “phytosociological Sunday excursions”. The relevĂ©s mostly belong to the Festuco-Genistelletum sagittalis, Juncetum squarrosi, and a Violion basal community.Les communautĂ©s des nardaies et des fruticĂ©es naines Ă  genĂȘt (Calluno-Ulicetea) ont Ă©tĂ© documentĂ©es grĂące aux 27 relevĂ©s faits lors des „Pflanzensoziologische Sonntagsexkursionen (excursions phytosociologiques dominicales)“ au cours des annĂ©es 1989 Ă  1995. La plupart des relevĂ©s appartiennent Ă  l’ordre Nardetalia et reprĂ©sentent les groupements des Festuco-Genistelletum sagittalis, des Juncetum squarrosi et d’une communautĂ© basale du Violion. Les communautĂ©s sont caractĂ©risĂ©es par rapport aux divers aspects suivants: sociologie, syntaxonomie, Ă©cologie, menace de disparition et conservation

    Wissensaustausch zwischen Forschung und Praxis erfolgreich gestalten

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    Um die gesellschaftliche Transformation zu gestalten, wird der Austausch von Wissen zwischen Wissenschaft und Praxis immer wichtiger. Dieser Artikel benennt Prinzipien, Kompetenzen und Rahmenbedingungen fĂŒr erfolgreichen Wissensaustausch

    Coaching ĂŒber das Internet - Bedarfsgerechte Entwicklung und Evaluation der webbasierten Projekt-Coaching-Plattform WebCo@ch

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    Das Interesse an Untersuchungen ĂŒber Erfolgsfaktoren von Projekten im Umfeld digitaler Produktionen1 rĂŒhrt auch daher, dass immer noch viele Projekte in Schieflage geraten oder gar scheitern. Die GrĂŒnde hierfĂŒr liegen meist im mangelhaften Management dieser Projekte. Hier besteht Bedarf nach Fachkompetenz der bspw. durch die Inanspruchnahme von Projekt-Coaching gedeckt werden kann. Projekt-Coaching unterstĂŒtzt die Projektbeteiligten bei der BewĂ€ltigung von Projektmanagementaufgaben durch eine fachliche und persönliche Beratung. Die Zusammenarbeit zwischen dem Coach und der zu beratenden Person (Coachee) beruht auf dem zu Grunde liegenden VertrauensverhĂ€ltnis und dem intensiven persönlichen Kontakt. Die Interaktion im Coaching-Prozess ist somit mit einem hohen Kommunikations-, Koordinations- und Zusammenarbeitsaufwand verbunden, was jedoch bei zeitkritischen Projekten hĂ€ufig nicht durchfĂŒhrbar ist. Oftmals fehlt vielen Unternehmen mit Coaching-Bedarf auch ein direkter Zugriff auf einen Pool geeigneter Projekt-Coaches. Findet ein Coaching-Prozess statt, ist dieser mit mehreren persönlichen GesprĂ€chen verbunden, die meist in Form von PrĂ€senzterminen stattfinden. Diese mĂŒssen geplant, koordiniert, vorbereitet, durchgefĂŒhrt und nachbereitet werden, was vor allem bei örtlich verteilten Akteuren einen hohen organisatorischen Aufwand bedeutet

    Webbasiertes Projekt-Coaching – Ein Ansatz zur UnterstĂŒtzung wissensintensiver Coaching-Dienstleistungen im Umfeld digitaler Produktionen

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    Aus der EinfĂŒhrung: "Immer kĂŒrzer werdende Entwicklungszyklen neuer Technologien stellen viele Unternehmen aus dem Umfeld digitaler Produktionen1 vor große Herausforderungen, die sich u.a. in einer hohen Marktdynamik und einer steigenden KomplexitĂ€t der Projektvorhaben niederschlagen (Rudolph/Krcmar, 2004, S. 14). Aktuelle Untersuchungen der Standish Group (2003) belegen, dass in den USA 66 Prozent der IT-Projekte entweder abgebrochen wurden oder die ursprĂŒnglichen Ziele insbesondere die Einhaltung von Kosten, Zeit und QualitĂ€t nicht erreichten.

    Adaptive Immune Response to Model Antigens Is Impaired in Murine Leukocyte-Adhesion Deficiency-1 Revealing Elevated Activation Thresholds In Vivo

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    Absence of ÎČ2 integrins (CD11/CD18) leads to leukocyte-adhesion deficiency-1 (LAD1), a rare primary immunodeficiency syndrome. Although extensive in vitro work has established an essential function of ÎČ2 integrins in adhesive and signaling properties for cells of the innate and adaptive immune system, their respective participation in an altered adaptive immunity in LAD1 patients are complex and only partly understood in vivo. Therefore, we investigated adaptive immune responses towards different T-dependent antigens in a murine LAD1 model of ÎČ2 integrin-deficiency (CD18−/−). CD18−/− mice generated only weak IgG responses after immunization with tetanus toxoid (TT). In contrast, robust hapten- and protein-specific immune responses were observed after immunization with highly haptenated antigens such as (4-hydroxy-3-nitrophenyl)21 acetyl chicken Îł globulin (NP21-CG), even though regularly structured germinal centers with specificity for the defined antigens/haptens in CD18−/− mice remained absent. However, a decrease in the hapten/protein ratio lowered the efficacy of immune responses in CD18−/− mice, whereas a mere reduction of the antigen dose was less crucial. Importantly, haptenation of TT with NP (NP-TT) efficiently restored a robust IgG response also to TT. Our findings may stimulate further studies on a modification of vaccination strategies using highly haptenated antigens in individuals suffering from LAD1

    Star formation rates and masses of z ~ 2 galaxies from multicolour photometry

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    Fitting synthetic spectral energy distributions (SED) to the multi-band photometry of galaxies to derive their star formation rates (SFR), stellar masses, ages, etc. requires making a priori assumptions about their star formation histories (SFH). A widely adopted parameterization of the SFH, the so-called tau-models where SFR goes as e^{-t/tau) is shown to lead to unrealistically low ages when applied to star forming galaxies at z ~ 2, a problem shared by other SFHs when the age is left as a free parameter in the fitting. This happens because the SED of such galaxies, at all wavelengths, is dominated by their youngest stellar populations, which outshine the older ones. Thus, the SED of such galaxies conveys little information on the beginning of star formation. To cope with this problem, we explore a variety of SFHs, such as constant SFR and inverted-tau models - with SFR as e^{+t/tau) - along with various priors on age, including assuming that star formation started at high redshift in all the galaxies. We find that inverted-tau models with such latter assumption give SFRs and extinctions in excellent agreement with the values derived using only the UV part of the SED. These models are also shown to accurately recover the SFRs and masses of mock galaxies at z ~ 2 constructed from semi-analytic models. All other explored SFH templates do not fulfil these two test. In particular, direct-tau models with unconstrained age in the fitting procedure overstimate SFRs and underestimate stellar mass, and would exacerbate an apparent mismatch between the cosmic evolution of the volume densities of SFR and stellar mass. We conclude that for high-redshift star forming galaxies an exponentially increasing SFR with a high formation redshift is preferable to other forms of the SFH so far adopted in the literature.Comment: 19 pages, 28 figures, Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society in pres

    The impact of surgical site infection—a cost analysis

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    Purpose: Surgical site infection (SSI) occurs in up to 25% of patients after elective laparotomy. We aimed to determine the effect of SSI on healthcare costs and patients' quality of life. Methods: In this post hoc analysis based on the RECIPE trial, we studied a 30-day postoperative outcome of SSI in a single-center, prospective randomized controlled trial comparing subcutaneous wound irrigation with 0.04% polyhexanide to 0.9% saline after elective laparotomy. Total medical costs were analyzed accurately per patient with the tool of our corporate controlling team which is based on diagnosis-related groups in Germany. Results: Between November 2015 and May 2018, 456 patients were recruited. The overall rate of SSI was 28.2%. Overall costs of inpatient treatment were higher in the group with SSI: median 16.685 euro; 19.703 USD (IQR 21.638 euro; 25.552 USD) vs. median 11.235 euro; 13.276 USD (IQR 11.564 euro; 13.656 USD); p < 0.001. There was a difference in surgery costs (median 6.664 euro; 7.870 USD with SSI vs. median 5.040 euro; 5.952 USD without SSI; p = 0.001) and costs on the surgical ward (median 8.404 euro; 9.924 USD with SSI vs. median 4.690 euro; 5.538 USD without SSI; p < 0.001). Patients with SSI were less satisfied with the cosmetic result (4.3% vs. 16.2%; p < 0.001). Overall costs for patients who were irrigated with saline were median 12.056 euro; 14.237 USD vs. median 12.793 euro; 15.107 USD in the polyhexanide group (p = 0.52). Conclusion: SSI after elective laparotomy increased hospital costs substantially. This is an additional reason why the prevention of SSI is important. Overall costs for intraoperative wound irrigation with saline were comparable with polyhexanide
